The Redmond-based company withdrew the Facebook and Twitter applications from Xbox 360 with its latest dashboard update. According to several sources familiar with Microsoft’s plans for Xbox, the move is designed to encourage users to use the Xbox Internet Explorer browser on the console.
Although the removal occurred during a private beta of the new Xbox dashboard, Microsoft began distributing it widely in its latest update this week.
“We are retiring the Facebook and Twitter apps,” Microsoft confirmed in a statement. “Xbox Live subscribers will have the ability to access these sites through Internet Explorer on Xbox, available through the Web Hub located on the new dashboard.”
The biggest new feature of the update dashboard is the integration of Xbox Music. Microsoft had officially included the music service in the Xbox in order to present Xbox 360 as more than just a gaming machine. The company is now looking at the console as an entertainment device.
During the launch, Xbox Music General Manager Jerry Johnson said, “We also realize, as an entertainment company, that music is an important ingredient on its own and as a part of different user experiences.”
The good news is that if you had previously installed applications, you would still be able to use these applications. The bad news is that users have expressed dissatisfaction when accessing social networks using Internet Explorer, as the navigation through it is very time-consuming.
Microsoft still shows the applications available through its website, but it is no longer in the market for applications to Xbox. Existing users downloading and installing applications can still run these apps on Xbox 360, but new users cannot access it anymore.
Finally, in addition to Internet Explorer, the update will include improvements to the system interface, such as voice search, bookmarks, ratings, recommendations, channel TV and movies, Sportscenter, Xbox Music and performance improvements.